Seattle Internal Kung Fu is not a formal school, just a casual group with no established facilities or agenda. Our members have simply practiced long enough to understand the personal rewards, and want an affordable way to keep some kung fu in our lives. Persons of any age, with the ability to listen, respect and reciprocate will find it easy to participate.

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Our Practice

Body Methods

Our training is all about the body’s core, which is used ubiquitously in our everyday – sports, work, recreation and a stunningly effective tool in combat.


Everyone trains to improve their own body awareness, balance, movement, striking skills, etc. We help one another to advance our strengths and improve our weaknesses.

Fighting Skills

We are all typical working folks, but we still recognize the benefits of training the various fighting skills and maintain it as a focus of our practice.

Where to Find Us

We are typically here every Saturday morning 10am to noon. Join the Discord to know when and where the next practice will be!

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